Electric Freeride: Is this the future of dirt bikes?

The craze of of electric powered motorcycles have been floating around for several years. Now the technology is getting closer and closer with each and every model introduced, yet the prices are pretty crazy too. The new KTM Electric Freeride is a very interesting new mount and might make waves, yet the beast is not yet available in the US. If the bike were to land in the US, the list price would be just over $14,000 based on current data. Very cool bike but just because it is electric does not mean you can ride it anywhere you wish. In fact, there are areas that are already cracking down on electric assisted mountain bikes. I would guess that “They” are going to make state laws that include electric powered cycles in the very near future. Nevertheless, these new KTMs are very cool and I would love to take a spin on one.

One Response to “Electric Freeride: Is this the future of dirt bikes?”

  1. Brett

    can’t wait till they are dialed


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