Cody Webbs road to victory via Sony Action Cam
Want to get feel what it is like to ride with Cody Webb, the 2014 EnduroCross Champion? Armed with a Sony Action Cam, this little tidbit chronicles his championship season.
James Stewart, racing or not racing Supercross?
The trail has gone a little cold or silent as the supercross season kickoff is about to go off. Yet what about Yosh Suzuki rider James (aka Bubba) Stewart. Yes he got popped for a banned substance but we have yet to see a final ruling what his punishment, or lack of punishment, for the infraction might be. Signs say it might not be good. As you can see from a few Monster Energy promo videos, they do not include JS when they interviewed riders nor did they mention his name. If he was racing, wouldn’t they have run one of the fastest riders in the world in the promo? We also noticed his name was absent from the list, as of right now, of featured riders at the A1 pre-race press conference. Featured riders listed included Chad Reed, Davi Millsaps, Justin Barcia, Ryan Dungey, Ken Roczen, Trey Canard and Jason Anderson. There is no official word but it is not looking great for Bubba. His ban could be a few races or an entire season. And for a veteran rider such as himself, it could crush the rest of his career, not to mention cost him millions of dollars. There is even someone selling “Let Bubba Ride” shirts over at Ebay, here is the link.

Jason Anderson rides and meets with Husqvarna Legends
The Husqvarna name dates back to 1683, yes 1683, long before the motorcycle was ever built where the company manufactured everything from weapons to sewing machines. Today the motorcycle brand is back on the map, yes it has gone through a few owners over the years but the name still holds water when it comes to two wheels. It was Husqvarna and Edison Dye who first help bring the sport of motocross to America back in the late 60s. Husky built four-stroke motocross bikes before they were popular and even build a bike with an automatic transmission. Rockstar Energy put to old with the new featuring legends Gunnar Lindstrom and Torsten Hallman Along with Team Rockstar Energy’s Jason Anderson. Cool video
Fox Head sold
It was announced on Tuesday that Fox was being sold, or what they call at majority recapitalization of Fox Head. Altamont Capital Partners, the Fox family and a few minority partners such as Ricky Carmichael and Carey Hart make up the shareholder group. The upper management is going to change again, although Pete Fox will go back into the design side of the business, Steve Jobs style.
Cianciarulo OUT, Pro Circuit probably not happy
Official word from the Monster Energy crew is that Pro Circuit Kawasaki rider Adam Ciacinarulo banged himself up during an overseas race and the injury will earn him an official spot in the rider seating section for the SX season, The three-time 250 SX race winner zigged and zagged before going down and hurting his wing and subsequently was forced to have surgery to repair the injury. Below are quotes from the rider people still have a hard time pronouncing his last name. Heal up buddy!
“I’m very frustrated, not just for me but for my sponsors and all of my supporters,” said Cianciarulo. “I’ve been fortunate and blessed enough to have a very healthy career up until this past year. My off-season training has been going well and everything was coming together nicely to have a good supercross season. This injury sets me back, so now I am turning my focus to getting healthy and preparing for motocross starting in May. As hard as this is, I’m in good spirits knowing I have such a great group of people behind me ”
Pala Back in action?
Over at Vital MX there is a post stating that the track will re-open at the start of the year. Rumors have been floating around that the track was never to open, was going to be turned into a shooting range or re-open. The forum poster said he ran into a tribal member at NCY and he confirmed the track was going to return. Here is the link to the Vital post
16 year-old goes big – NO HUGE, over 200 feet
Rookie White wanted to break in the recently re-opened LACR track in Palmdale CA so he linked an entire section into one giant hit, jumping over 200 feet to be exact. The video shows several angles and the clips have been blowing up all over the digital MC world.
CR450R from Heaven – Kind Of
If you have never seen this crazy Pikes Peak video from June from this year, you have to take a look. This is what happens when you’re on your cool down heading down from the climb and something goes very very wrong. Pikes Vet Jeff Grace caught the footage. Over 1 million people have watched this clip, a million one now!
Looking for more insight on the 2015 KTM Factory Editions?
Jimmy Lewis puts his added touches to the new KTM Factory Editions, the machines that will be seen circling the Supercross Stadiums in less than a month. Here is a link to his story and inside look at the machines.
Motorcycle Fails
There are times that even the worst day on a bike might brighten up a person’s day that is not riding — by watching a video of the person having that not so great day riding. Here is a nice grouping of people have a bad day, or should be say moment aboard a cycle. Don’t be surprised if you see yourself someplace in here.
How to whip it in the dunes
Masters of Dirt posted this sick clip of Tyler Bereman showing his mad skills tossing this sick whip in the dunes.
Media Alert: USA goes to Spain for Superprestigio Dirt Track
Three American riders are in spain for the Superprestigio. Fans in the United States can watch the Superprestigio from Barcelona, Spain live online at tomorrow at 12:00 noon ET (9:00 a.m. PT) as the United States contingent looks to put on a show for the ages in what has been dubbed the American Invasion. AMA Pro Flat Track, Jared Mees, Brad Baker and Shayna Texter are getting in on the action along with international stars such as Tory Bayliss and Marc Marquez.
New Product: BRP Scotts X-Trig mount
Sometimes you wonder why the don’t make a part for your specific setup, well here you go. If you are a KTM owner, running X-Trig bar mounts and wish to run a Scotts Dampener, your problem is solved
Team Geico Honda Photo Gallery
Spotted this photo shoot of the Geico boys over on Racer X getting ready for 2015. Simon Cudby was the lensman that captured the action. Here is the link
Sex N SX #6
Are you getting close, real close to going to the opening round of the Monster Energy Supercross kickoff. The tension is building and there is less than 30 days before the fire starts to shoot out of the start/finish line and the lights go down a A1. This might help curb your anxiety before the gate drops