California OHV Division in Trouble, Time to Do Your Part!

For over 40 years California has had what all of us know as a Green Sticker. This is an OHV license that is supposed to fund land use for off-road vehicle use. Meaning OHV parks, managed lands and to maintain trails. We have been reading that this program might be in jepordy, at least how the funds will be allocated and used. The OHV and Green Sticker program has also been on its own and there is talk that the state wants to abolish this and simply put the Green Sticker money into the the Parks general fund. Meaning our OHV money will go into a fund where people might possibly want to limit OHV and not expand it. Meaning our OHV funds could be used directly against us to close trails that some think should be non-OHV. Our trails in California have been slowly been taken away for the last 40 years with bills from people such as Allen Cranston and Barbra Boxer. Instead of creating a workable multi-use area, they just took many of these lands away with no access. And who in there right mind will hike and camp in the middle of the Mojave Desert, almost none. This is why there are areas in the California desert nobody can enjoy unless you walk 40 miles into it by foot.

Now our OHV areas have been reduced and those who still enjoy multi-use areas are forced into a small area and more difficult to manage with so much traffic in one given and not spread out into a larger trail system.

Over the years the OHV fund was designed to acquire and secure more lands designated for OHV use. Yet over the decades we have heard that some of those funds, millions and millions have been borrowed from other departments and during the recession, millions more were taken from the OHV fund and put into the Parks fund because they were broke. This money that we paid for a specific use will never be returned no used for what it was intended for.

We can’t let them tear apart the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division. that pays for itself. Our registration pays for land use, management and OHV state parts. The State just wants to take our money and put it into the general Parks fund, and that means less money will be allocated for OHV land protection and maintenance.

Please do your part to save what is OURS and we pay for it


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