We’ll start with the smallest Husqvarna motocrosser, the TC 85. It has not changed much from last year save for what Husky calls CTG (color, trim, graphics) but realize these little mini’s are class leading in power and performance.
The 85cc two-stroke engine is pretty advanced with a hydraulic clutch activating a six-speed transmission. It also has an exhaust powervalve to lengthen the power delivery. Kick-start only, the bike fires right up and most kids of the proper size to be riding the bike will have no issues getting it going.

The WP suspension is set for that 11-14 year old size where kids are growing rapidly, luckily the 43mm fork and the PDS rear shock are highly adjustable to allow the bike to get the job done. Overall the Husky’s layout is very roomy (even for this 5’10” overgrown kid) so there is room to grow with the bike.
I can’t comment on the suspension much other than to say that 85 will take a beating and it does have control through the stroke, especially the front fork. I was bottoming it too much but then again I do weigh about 90-pounds more than the intended pilot. What I can tell you is the bike is very crisp running right off the bottom and has a very impressive two-step powerband. It will torque and pull off the bottom impressively, tribute to the powervalve doing its job. This is the kind of power a novice rider will really appreciate and it keeps the bike from stalling. Then the power goes a little flat (though pulling my weight would amplify this) through the middle until it really comes alive on top. The snap in the upper mid-range and onto the top end is very impressive and the motor really reminds me of a 105cc mini more than an 85. Kids that are fast and can keep this bike on the pipe will be rewarded with a very quick ride, better power to weight than a 125cc two-stroke for sure.
The brakes on this TC 85 were impressive for the size of the components with an excellent amount of feel and lever adjustability that is needed for smaller hands. The layout seemed very slim and yes, the bike feels feathery light, as it is. Husky was never a company known for small displacement machines but some things change.